Opening Sequences - Introducing location/setting/era

The Shining:
In this opening sequence no characters are introduced and the whole focus of the scene is instead on introducing the location where the action of the film will take place.

The location is shown as beautiful but also threatening and dangerous. There are multiple extreme long shots showing how vast the landscape and a number of dissolves and cuts suggest that the setting is isolated from civilisation. This is reinforced by the dramatic sinister music which creates a sense of foreboding for the audience. The car seems tiny in comparison to the lake and mountains which emphasises danger and vulnerability.

Wonder Woman:
The opening scene of Wonder Woman does introduce the central character but also introduces two locations that are important to the film's narrative and also the two separate eras that the film takes place in.

The first location is contemporary France (the Louvre) where we see modern vehicles and tall buildings which suggest a busy city. The location of Diane's work place within a museum suggests she is important and powerful.

Through the use of a graphic match and a dissolve the director transitions to both another location and an earlier time period. We can tell that this era is in the past as we see Diane as a young child and as the narrative progresses we become aware that the majority of the story is set during WW1.

The new location is a hidden island called Themyscira, home to the Amazonian woman warriors created by Zeus to protect mankind. The location is beautiful and natural, untouched by the industrialisation of humanity. It is presented as a magical and serene place whose beauty soon comes under threat when the war reaches its borders. This location offers a direct contrast between other locations in the film, that emphasise devastation and destruction that war brings.

American Hustle:
In the opening sequence of American Hustle we are introduced to some of film's main characters and the location of a hotel in New York. The main purpose of the opening scene is to establish the era that the narrative takes place in. The film is set in the late 1970's and this is emphasised by a number of elements of mise-en-scene.

Firstly the costumes are typical of that time period with wide collared shirts and burgundy velvet suit, 70's hairstyles and the decor of the hotel. These elements of mise-en-scene are supported by musical tracks from the 70's. The time period is also emphasised by the font used in the titles that appear onscreen. 
