My Chosen Certificate

BBFC Examiners look at issues such as discrimination, drugs, horror, imitable behaviour, language, nudity, sex, sexual violence, theme and violence when making decisions about what certificate a film should get. I may also want to include some more adult material in the DVD version of the film, which sometimes gains a higher classification than the theatrical release of the film.

I believe my film will fall into the 15 category for the following reasons:

- There will be some drug taking in later scenes in my film (bits that I'm not filming but are part of my overall film ides), however there will not be any instructional detail on how to do it. However, because it is a thriller film it may be slightly glamourised therefore not appropriate for a 12A/12 certificate.
- There will be the use of very strong language throughout, as is often the case with many crime/thriller films. Frequent use of strong language is unlikely to be permissible at 12A/12.
- There will be threats of violence, and some actual violence, but not too gory. Weapons will also be glamourised, which is often the case in thrillers, which would not be acceptable for a 12A/12.
- There will be no nudity, sex or sexual violence so this is not an issue for my film.
- None of the above will be so extreme that the film would require an 18 certificate.

One of the main reasons I want Outside the Law to gain a 15 certificate is so that it reaches a wider audience. An 18 certificate would mean that fewer people would have the opportunity to see the film.
