thriller opening sequences 1 - argo

There are a number of techniques that are used in this opening sequence that are typical of the thriller genre. These include:
  • sinister, unsettling non-diegetic music which immediately creates tension for the audience
  • exposition in the form of a montage containing real footage from the time the film is set - this use of backstory helps lead the audience to the point the narrative begins and gives some historical context to the politics of the time
  • enhanced and amplified sound effects which grow louder as the scene progresses creating an intense and overwhelming experience 
  • fades to black creating  a sense of mystery and tension (particularly as the sound effects continue over the black screen)
  • close up of violent actions such as the burning of an American flag, which suggests threat and danger 
  • handheld camerawork which creates intensity and a sense of panic 
  • extreme long shots that show the size of the crowd and the threat that they pose 
  • the pace of editing gets quicker, creating intensity 
  • POV shots and over-the-shoulder shots from the perspective of workers in the US Embassy shows their panic and concern
