Hardware and Software I Have Used

Below is a list of the hardware and software I have used during the creation of my opening sequence.

Panasonic HC - VX870 Video Camera. This enabled me to take multiple shots when filming and store all the footage on an SD Card. I uploaded all of my footage onto the computer in the Editing Suite immediately after each shoot, carefully labeling the shots to make it easier for me when I came to edit. I used the pre-set focus settings for my shots as I am not too confident with the equipment. I will attempt to use manual focus more frequently during my filming for my Advanced Productions.
Manfrotto Compact Action Aluminum Tripod. The tripod was incredibly useful for stabilising some of my shots, particularly those featuring my victim inside the house. For most of the shots featuring the antagonist or from the antagonist's POV, I didn't use the tripod as I wanted my shots to be shaky and handheld (reflecting the villain's perspective)

iMac Pro. This was used to do much of my post-production work.

Adobe Premiere Pro. I used this extremely powerful editing software (used by many Hollywood editors) to edit together my opening sequence, cutting and trimming many of my shots and organising them in sequence. I was also able to layer sound, such as the audio for my phone call and the impact sounds and music at the end of my sequence.

Adobe After Effects. I used this software to help make my dynamic, animated title, which appears at the end of my opening sequence.

Adobe Audition. I used the audio editing software to create the effect of a phone call, once I had recorded and edited the voiceover (by cutting out any pauses and mistakes). I also used it for my impact sounds and the music at the end of my sequence during the big reveal.
