Location Recce

My opening scene really only has two locations - inside and outside of the victim's house. Here are some photos of the potential location I'm going to use, with brief explanations about each location's suitability.

The first shots are of locations within the house that will be used in scenes featuring the victim. These include the bathroom (where he goes about his daily routine of washing), the hallway and staircase (which he will come down once he has been alerted to the potential intruder's presence) and the kitchen (where he will look out into the garden and where the antagonist will look into from outside.

The next set of shots are from outside of the house, mirroring the antagonist's perspective as he watches the victim, preparing his attack. I initially thought about filming at night but I was worried about the quality and clarity of the images on film. I have decided to film during the day to ensure the quality of the shots and because I feel that it makes the events of the opening sequence more unsettling if the audience believe that this could happen during daylight hours.
